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Lesson 1 – Axe: Représentation de soi et rapport à autrui


Lesson 1 – Axe: Représentation de soi et rapport à autrui 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

GET TO KNOW ME (heading) par MB


  • Vocabulaire de la séquence : 🖱️ cliquez ici
  • Vocab/Adjectives (qualities and defects) 🖱️ cliquez ici
  • Grammaire (révisions)
    • Les 2 présents, 🖱️ici
    • Les structures “de base” pour se présenter, 🖱️ici
    • Les structures infinitives, 🖱️ici
  • Prononciation:
    • L’accentuation des mots 🖱️ici
  • Dictionnaire de rimes: 🖱️ici



1-Philip’s presentation

Video 1
  1. Philip’s video
  • Réécoutez/ complétez et recopiez

3e personne : His name is Philip. He is 31 (years old). He’s orginally from Ireland but now he liveS in England and he is a teacher. In HIS free time he likeS to read books / is crazy about listening to music/ enjoyS going shopping.

2-CHRIS’s presentation

Video 2
  1. 2. Chris’s video
  • Réécoutez/ complétez et recopiez

His name is Chris. He was born on the 9th of November. He is an editor. He workS on language books. He liveS in Oxford. In his free time, he likeS playing tennis and he IS CRAZY ABOUT eating and he enjoyS going to the theatre. He doesn’t like extreme sports and he dislikeS very long walks. He HAS visitED Spain, Italy …. and he HAS travellED/been to France, the United States ….

  • Maintenant, écrivez un paragraphe sur Philip, à la 3e personne du singulier:

3-JO’s presentation

Video 3


  1. 3 écoutes = repérez un maximum d’informations et notez-les dans vos cahiers.
  2. Puis compléter avec les bonnes info:
    • name:
    • date of birth:
    • age:
    • place of birth:
    • nationality:
    • residence:
    • job:
    • hobbies/ likes:
    • dislikes:
    • travels:

🏡 HOMEWORK – compléter le texte à trous en vous aidant de l’appli (cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous). Capture d’écran dans Pronote.





a) TEAMWORK: Imagine 8 questions you would ask OLIVIA RODRIGO if you were to interview her.

b) 🎬Get To Know Olivia Rodrigo: Listen to Olivia’s interview and pick out as much information as possible!

1- NAME what’s your name? My name is Olivia R
2- PLACE OF BIRTH Where were you born? I was born in (Temecula, California)
3- RESIDENCE Where do you live? I live in (L.A).
4- PLACE TO VISIT What is your favourite place to visit? My favourite place to visit is (Budapest, Hungary).
5- COLOUR What is your favourite colour? My favourite colour is (purple). 
6- HIDDEN TALENT What’s your hidden talent? I can (cross one eye and keep the other straight).
7- WHEN 18  What are you excited about when you turn 18? I’m excited about = I can’t wait to (vote and have my own apartment) 
8- SOCIAL NETWORK What’s your favourite social network? My favourite social network is (TikTok) = I prefer (TikTok)
9- PASTTIME/ HOBBY What is your favourite pasttime/ hobby?  I love/’m crazy about (knitting)
10- THE FUNNIEST PERSON WHO is the funniest person you know?  The funniest person I know is (my best friend Madison…)
11- FOOD What is your least favourite food = What food do you dislike? I hate/ dislike (vegetables)
12- FOOD What’s your favourite food = what food do you prefer? I’m fond of (big birthday chocolate cakes) and I’m crazy/mad about (chilli candy)
13- FIRST PET What was the name of your first pet? My first pet was (a snake) named “(Stripes)”
14- KARAOKE SONG What are your favourite karaoke songs? I love/ I prefer (club hits)
15- ADVICE What’s the best advice you ever received? The best advice comes from my mum. It is “those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”
16- TV SERIES What TV series are you (binge-) watching at the moment? I am (binge-) watching (a Canadian TV series).
17-SUPERPOWER Which/what superpower would you like to have? I would like to be able to (record my dreams on a VHS tape).
18- BOOK What’s your favourite book? My favourite book is (“Big Magic”) by (E. Gilbert).
19- CELEBRITY Which celebrity would you love to meet? I would “die” (= I would love) to meet (Taylor Swift).
20- MOVIE What is the last movie that made you cry? The last movie that made me cry was (“How to be single”)
21- IN 2021 What are you looking forward to in 2021?  I’m looking forward to (graduating highschool) / I can’t wait to (have a covid vaccine). 
22- INSPIRATIONS What are your biggest musical inspirations? I’m inspired by/ My inspirations are (Taylor Swift, Lorde, …)

b) Mise en commun en plénière :


Expression orale
  •  Entraînez-vous à vous présenter oralement en qq secondes : hello, my name is … I’m … (years old) …. I was born in/on …. in (+city)…. I live in …. with …..
  • Parmi les questions posées à Olivia, en choisir 10 et essayez de les mémoriser (pour les poser aux autres à l’oral en classe)
  • En classe: poser des questions / y répondre


Expression orale

Digitale Prüfungen auf Prüfungsplattform OPAL Exam TUBAF – MedienzentrumPREPARE IN CLASS

  1. Use questions 1, 2, and 3 to introduce yourself quickly.
  2. Choose 10 to 12 questions (use Olivia’s or find other (interesting) questions).
  3. Prepare your personal answer: try to develop your arguments (use Olivia’s interview as a model/ guide).


Practice talking about yourself:
Ask your partner questions and answer his/her questions.


Use and make your own personal “Get To Know Me” video. 

🗓Vidéo attendue pour le MARDI 15 OCTOBRE

  • Une petite phrase d’intro. Dites votre prénom + votre date et lieu de naissance + votre âge + où vous habitez + avec qui).
  • 10 questions/réponses (🔺la question n’est pas explicitement posée mais vous pouvez la faire s’afficher à l’écran (lors de votre montage vidéo) si vous le souhaitez ou bien la répéter oralement).
  • Vos réponses doivent être un peu développées, ne soyez pas trop brefs (15 secondes minimum par question)
  • Soignez la présentation ET la prononciation.
  • Prenez connaissance du barème en complétant ce quiz d’auto-évaluation: ICI (à venir)
  • Vous pouvez utiliser l’application PeerTube (dans l’ent) pour télécharger votre vidéo et la partager avec moi. Autres possibilités: clé USB/ lien youtube, What’sApp, Gmail avec l’appli “smash” (pour l’envoi de gros fichiers) ….

PART II- Poem of Myself

Preparatory work:

  • Grammar lesson: les infinitives – 🖱️click here
  • Vocabulary: la personnalité, le caractère – 🖱️Click here
  • L’accentuation (prononciation) – 🖱️click here


Expression: what kind of person are you?
  1. Oral: with your group, discuss each image. Talk about:
    • what it represents,
    • the atmosphere it conveys,
    • what it evokes in you
  2. Vocabulary: observe the words on the mat and pick the ones that could apply to the picture.
    • What kind of person might it represent (tastes and personality)?

Expression What kind of a person are you? 
I choose Picture (1, 2, 3, 4 ?) because I am (**) and I like/ love/ enjoy/ ‘m fond of / ‘m crazy about …….  (Write a few sentences) ** Pick the most relevant adjectives from the word cloud.

🏠HOMEWORK - personality traits (adjectives/antonyms) : 🖱click here

2-poem of myself

Expression orale
🟢STEP 1 - Study a poem 
📜Poem 1
What makes this text a poem ?

This text is composed of three __________________ (= short paragraphs) with short lines = _______________ and there is no _________________ .
We can notice the _______________________ of the pronoun “I” at the beginning of each line. This is an anaphora. The repetition of the title sounds like a _______________ . In this poem, the repetitions convey some musicality to the text.

