Groupe 7 – Colocation

This project is about a collocation of 10 persons, we had globally an idea of what we’d do, we would make a circular form that we’d divide to make everybody have his own personnal place that could be built as wishes the persons. The forms have been drawn fast (they are in the page « Planification du projet »). Later we started to decide the material used (wood for design and thermic isolation) and the colours, also the location of the building. We started immediately to build it even if there were complications. Once the project resulted we could move quickly into it to start our life in the technopole.

Nous sommes dix colocataires élus locaux comprenant :

-une thésarde en aéronautique à l’ENSMA

-un étudiant de médecine

-une caissière par intérim à Auchan

-une femme de ménage (qui travaille dans l’écotel [ ])

-un auto-entrepreneur de start-up

-un imprimeur

-une hôtesse de parc au Futuroscope

-un infirmier

-un employé centre d’appel

-un cadre ZTE

Nous avons emménagé, le 04/12/2030, dans une colocation que nous avons imaginé et conçu, à la suite vous verrez comment cela a avancé.
(Nous avons une empreinte carbone de 2,2 [planètes])